Bpifrance Excellence

Bpifrance Excellence


Bpifrance Excellence is the business network for growing companies supported by Bpifrance, the French investment bank.


Bpifrance Excellence asked Ooshot to cover 50 prestigious events happening internationally and throughout France : Paris, La Rochelle, Shanghai, Singapour, Abidjan...
Ooshot was asked to deliver the images the day after each event.


Ooshot identified local event photographers to capture the highlights and energy of each event and promote the human aspect in BPI’s communication.


More than 100 images were produced per event and delivered in 24 hours.

groupshot shanghai bpifrance
Photo corporate event bpifrance
team shot teambuilding La Rochelle bpifrance
Photo cocktail Bordeaux Bpifrance
Photo diner corporate bpifrance bordeaux
Photo speaker corporate event bpifrance aix en provence